Sue & Robert — Calabasas, CA

“The process was seamless from the moment Valerie stepped into our home to explore the space. The art Valerie created for us brings us joy every time we walk past it.”

Nazy & Steve — San Francisco, CA

“We've had the pleasure of acquiring several paintings from Valerie for our home—all stunning in their own way. Beyond her artistic prowess, Valerie is a delightful person to work with, making the experience not just about the art but also the creation of a meaningful connection.”

Carolyn & Don — Calabasas, CA

“We’ve loved Val’s work for many years and our home is filled with her paintings. Every work of hers has its own story and we enjoy seeing them every day.”


Mona & Paul — San Francisco, CA

“We love each and every piece she’s created for us.”

Bonnie & Larry Wasserman — Calabasas, CA

“We are proud owners of a number of original pieces from Valerie. The way she brings textures and colors to life is amazing. We love her art work. Highly recommended.”

Alyssa & David — Los Angeles, CA

“Working with Valerie on a private commission was a complete joy. Her communication was excellent throughout the entire process. She updated us on everything, from creation of the custom canvas to the last layer of paint added. She kept us engaged every step of the way.”

Michael — San Francisco, CA

“I met Val during ArtSpan’s Open Studios in San Francisco and instantly became a fan of her work. I purchased “Metro,” which is still one of my favorite pieces. When it came time to adorn the large wall in my loft, I immediately thought of Val. I commissioned her to paint a diptych based on her painting “Let It Rain,” which exhibited at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. Working with Val was such a breeze, from determining the best size for my space, the color palette, delivery, and even a referral to a skilled installer. If I ever find myself with more wall space, I would love to work with Val again!"